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Additional Conditions for Export to Russia and Belarus

Due to the new Latvian customs requirements, I am informing you of changes in the export procedure. Additional information required from European suppliers (manufacturers).

Below is information from the Latvian State Revenue Service (VID) website.


  When the exporter submits an export procedure in the Republic of Latvia for goods (excluding used goods) to Russia or Belarus, an additional document issued by the manufacturer of the goods (such as an informational letter) must be attached to the export declaration. This document should confirm that the manufacturer is informed about the export of goods to Russia or Belarus, the seller and buyer of the goods, and that the transaction does not raise concerns about potential circumvention of international sanctions.

  If used goods are to be exported to Russia or Belarus, an additional document issued by the seller (an EU-registered entity that sells goods to a third-country entity for export from the EU) must be attached to the export declaration. This document should confirm that the seller is informed about the export to Russia or Belarus, the goods’ recipient and buyer, and that the transaction does not raise concerns about potential circumvention of international sanctions. Additionally, the seller must be informed about the goods’ end-user and final consumption and must ensure that the goods will not be used in a way that violates international sanctions’ rules and conditions.

In accordance with Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Union Customs Code[1], if these documents are not attached at the time of declaring the export procedure, the declarant must submit them to the export customs authority (EMDAS AES) within the specified period or apply for an extension of the document submission deadline (indicating the reason for the extension and the document submission period).


[1] Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013, establishing the Union Customs Code



Additional Conditions for Export to Central Asia and Caucasus Region Countries, if Goods Are Moved in Transit through the Territory of Russia or Belarus

  When the exporter submits an export procedure in the Republic of Latvia for goods (excluding used goods) to Central Asia and Caucasus region countries[1], if the goods leave the EU by crossing the border with Russia or Belarus, an additional document issued by the manufacturer of the goods (such as an informational letter) must be attached to the export declaration. This document should confirm that the manufacturer is informed about the goods’ seller and buyer and that the transaction does not raise concerns about potential circumvention of international sanctions.

  If used goods are to be exported to Central Asia and Caucasus region countries via the border with Russia or Belarus, an additional document issued by the seller (an EU-registered entity that sells goods to a third-country entity for export from the EU) must be attached to the export declaration. This document should confirm that the seller is informed about the goods’ recipient and buyer and that the transaction does not raise concerns about potential circumvention of international sanctions. Additionally, the seller must be informed about the goods’ end-user and final consumption and must ensure that the goods will not be used in a way that violates international sanctions’ rules and conditions.

In accordance with Article 15, Paragraph 1 of the Union Customs Code[2], if these documents are not attached at the time of declaring the export procedure, the declarant must submit them to the export customs authority (EMDAS AES) within the specified period or apply for an extension of the document submission deadline (indicating the reason for the extension and the document submission period).


[1] Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia.

[2] Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 October 2013, establishing the Union Customs Code

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